(Yes...Jace is wearing his bicycle helmet checking for plant growth. Safety first. OSHA approved.)
Jace is still doing lots of fun art at school.
This girl is cracking us up. As in being a "Jim Dandy"....Jed started calling her that one night and she HATED it. So then I tried to come up with something for her to call him and all I could get was "Buffalo Bob". And it stuck. Wow.
We are putting the high chair away and moving into the booster seat at the table.
*Edit. We brought the high chair back out for Brook one day and it has stayed out....
These two are still pretend-twins....with a love-hate relationship...
And these kids were out cruising the neighborhood.
(Notice Cassidy is missing? She is not allowed at my house without her own supervision. I thought Kyler was bad....but this one takes the cake! Oh, and she takes the scissors, the tape, the bag of chips all over the floor.....)
John's Market has these carts the kids fight over...but they are pretty cute!
Spring Cowboy-Concert! They all got to dress Western, and it was a really great concert! Even got some proof that they all sang, participated, and even Colton was singing!
Also in April, Jed attended the wedding of "Q" and "U" at school.
He is reading ALL OVER THE PLACE. It is amazing. Just like overnight, he is doing so great!
Another baby shower for Morgan! Connor didn't get the memo to wear blue. :)
And, the hired help.....