Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Jena, the Teacher.

A few weekends ago we went to Manhattan to see Jena graduate from K-State!  She is going to be a teacher (a STELLAR one), and will be teaching Kindergarten.  Those are going to be some lucky kiddos!  Unfortunately, I didn't get many pictures.  Here are the ones I did get, and hopefully I'll update this post later with more pictures from Jena!

Jace didn't really enjoy the graduation...

There's Jena!  Right in the middle.  Terrible picture.

What a great family photo! Jace has grown a little since last year!

Great picture.  Terrible story.  Not soon after this picture was taken, we wanted one of Jace by himself with the wildcat.  So, mommy and daddy stepped away from Jace, and as soon as he realized it, he lunged for Daddy, and took a nose dive onto the concrete.  He got a scratch on his back, and a cut on his head, but thankfully was okay.  When he calmed down he just kept saying, "Wildcat, get me."  That darn wildcat.

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