Sunday, March 30, 2014

Birthday party....part 2!

Of course there were presents....he got a lot of sports equipment and "work" tools: tee ball helmet, bat, tee stand and tee balls, football helmet, pliers, and his own size garden tools to name a few!  And then there were roller skates, coloring papers, farm equipment: grain truck, hay trailer and hay bales, fencing, and a big round bale feeder, and there was more that I am probably forgetting!
Got the helmet on....couldn't figure out how to get it off....
A picture of lil' sis in her party dress.  The dress that didn't survive until family pictures...

This was our present to Jace....he takes it for a spin either in the morning before we leave or after we get home at night....

The 3 big kids....didn't feel like we should tackle a picture of all the kiddos...


Some things I want to remember about our 4-year-old Jace:
*He wants everything to be purple and green
*He can write a "J" but not the rest of his name (yet)
*His favorite food is pancakes, sausage, and some days even scrambled eggs and cheese
*His favorite shows are Team Umizoomi, Peppa Pig, Wallykazam, and Paw Patrol
*At least once a week we eat supper in our living room and let Jace have a "picnic" on a big blanket....aka that's where his mess goes
*Our night time ritual sometimes includes laying in our bed watching might be basketball, football, hunting, or the news.
*Jace is very concerned with the weather.  Whenever it comes on the news he perks up and then tells us everything that they say--even if we were right there next to him.
*He likes to tell us when something is "Delicious!"  Even if it is frozen pizza. :)
*He has let me cut his hair twice, and I have determined that I have not been paying the usual girl that cuts his hair nearly enough money as much as he moves around. 
*He can say the prayer we say before we eat, the "bedtime prayer" (Now I lay me, down to sleep...), and also the Lord's prayer. 
*He loves to vacuum, and gets a lot of practice since we have to vacuum lady bugs out of Connor's window a couple times a week.

This kid holds a special place in our hearts...our family wouldn't be the same without him!
Happy Birthday Jace Wyatt!


  1. Happy Birthday Jace! Love this post and the cake. Did you make it? It looks delicious!
