Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I can...

Sit up  Prop myself up!

I can sit up...even if I just fall over.

I can...put my binky in my mouth!  (This makes my Dad VERY happy)

We can take a picture outside....but it's a bad picture because the sun was shining in our eyes so we had to turn around....

This guy can do work.  And he is SO excited to be outside.  The first day it was nice and he got to go outside he was absolutely nuts.

Even Connor got to enjoy the weather!

Wait, that's not Connor!  That's Cassidy....with a bow.  :)

And that's Connor giving Cassidy the stare down...

Jace thinks this is fun...vacuuming up the never ending lady bugs in Connor's room...

Jace picked out Connor's outfit, I added the accessories.  And the box?  Well, it was just there.

More outside work...

A little walk down the road!

Jace's favorite stroller....and Connor is now big enough for it.  Oh the places we will go....

1 comment:

  1. The picture of Connor before she falls over is awesome! And I love your double stroller!
