Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I made a practice birthday cake for Jace...and had some leftover cake batter so I made it into a small heart-shaped cake.  Colton and Kyler come over, and before you know it we are frosting this cake on a kid size picnic table.

And Jace is eating frosting straight out of the bowl.

But hey, we got a picture of the three of them!

And everyone got a chance to blow out a birthday candle.  In fact, Colton got to do it twice.

I barely got the match blown out before Jace blew out the candle.

We LOVE cake.  Can't wait for March birthday parties!

The weather is so confusing.

We're out, we're in, it's raining, it's snowing, guess we are in Kansas.  We've been trying to keep up, and take advantage of the good days!

Jace is ready to go with his John Deere tool box...filled with trains, tractors, or whatever else he can fit in it!

Ahh....the kitty.  We have been blessed with two really great cats at our new house...but neither have survived.  This cat let Jace pull her, carry her, you name it.  Unfortunately though, we haven't seen her for a week, so we are pretty sure she is a goner.

Mom!  SNOW!

We still love our An-gi (Angus). Jace has really taken to him lately.  We went through a period where Angus was a little too rambunctious, and Jace just couldn't keep up, but now they are good buddies.  Jace can even "lead" Angus around by his collar.  Here, he is giving Angus a hug!

Snack time!  What a view!

Play-doh!  Thanks to the Luedke family for this Valentine's treat!

We've played with it several times, and I think he has only tried to eat it once!

It's About Time.

We've only lived in our house 7 months...it's about time Jace's room was "done".

We are still adjusting to having tractors on a shelf, in a box, that he can't reach, and he can't play with....but we're getting better.  He was really excited to see the train on the bottom of his baby blanket from Grandma Carol....who knew when she made that that he would be such a "Choo Choo" fan?

We're also excited to have Grandma Janie's framed picture on the wall too!  Glad these items are finally out of the closet!

Ahh...the corn.  We're keeping track of how tall he is getting!

In other news....this picture is a little old....notice the snow?  And poor "An-gi"...outside!

And last, proof that this is my child.  Valentine's Day.  It was cold outside.  And we shared ice cream.  It's always a good day for ice cream.

Some February Birthdays

My Mom and her siblings all have February Birthdays and we took time to celebrate them earlier this month!  My Mom (Grandma Carol), February 14th, Uncle Mike, February 2nd, and Aunt Debi, February 28th, along with their parents, Richard and Darlyne.

Some days Jace eats really good for us, some days he doesn't, but we can usually count on him to eat cake and ice cream!  And isn't afraid to beg for it from almost anyone! 

A fun time was had by all....as you can see from the mess of toys and smashed gold fish all over the floor.

Those kiddos can have fun anywhere!

Wherever Colton is...Jace and Kyler aren't far behind!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


We were out early on Sunday morning to enjoy the snow before it melted away in the afternoon.

Jace loved the sled that Grandma and Grandpa Johnson got him for Christmas.

But I think he loved pulling it more than riding in it.

Trying to get Angus to pose for a picture is a tough job.


Family Photo...our first Snow Play-Day!  It was great that it came on a Sunday so we could enjoy it!

And then Double Trouble showed up.  As you can see, Kyler was not interested in sledding with Colton at first...

Jace was playing in the grass, not snow for awhile, just pulling his sled around.

And he tried to give Kyler a lift too.

Colton was a sledding CHAMP.  He caught right on and really enjoyed it.

And Jace and Kyler warmed up to it...

They are laughing in the end of this video, not crying. 

Happy Birthday Grandma!

You just never know what's going to happen at Grandma and Grandpa's...
You hear muffled yelling, and find Jace in a cabinet.

How did he get there, you ask?  Well, it was a fun game.

Or just a fun place to hang out.

We get the kids to pose for a picture with Grandma...

And pretty soon someone is face first in cake.

They were willing to pose for another picture, so I took advantage...

And Jace gets going with some attitude...

Kyler poses with Aunt Melissa...or is just buttering her up to have a bite of her ice cream cake...

And we had to have a picture with Papa.

We tried to get all 3 at once, but they were getting pretty wound up at this point...

And this could have something to do with it...
So much fun...I think everyone was worn out.
*Watch Kyler's fists in this (long) video, she is quite the fighter.

Happy Valentine's Day.

We might be a week early...but I was getting some pictures of Jace in his super-cute Valentine's shirt and he was VERY cooperative.  Of course, it helps when you get him to smile by saying, "Jace, say Hi Papa!  Hi Colton! Hi Kyler!"  You get the idea....