Monday, April 23, 2012

Hi Cows!

Uncle Jay put cows out in our pasture.  Jace tells me this several times a day.  And, we must look for the cows every time we go down the road.  And he must have his window rolled down so can tell all of them "Hi."  Every. Single. One.

Parents as Teachers sponsored a Block Fest last week.  Jace was timid at first, but got the hang of how to play with all the different types of blocks.

That's taller than you, Jace!

Surveying his work...

He liked looking through the different colored blocks...

This was his favorite station to knock down the blocks...and then stack them up again!

And we saw the cows again...this time we said, "Bye Cows!"

Thursday, April 19, 2012


The first turkey has been killed at our house!  Uncle Derek and Jed went out last weekend, and it didn't take them long to get one!  Jace loved seeing it, but wasn't too keen on getting too close.

After some encouragement, he finally touched the feathers....before too long he will be out hunting too!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter, Part 2.

On 4 wheels.

Scary.  You would have thought they were bumper cars.

Colton really didn't want to share his ride.

And we found some fireworks!  Grandma got out the poppers for the kiddos to throw and step on.

This seems to be a traditional picture...

And another Easter egg hunt! 

Here's one!

Over here Kyler!

Getting the 3 of them to pause for a picture?  IM-possible.  This is as good as it got.

The things we see.

Jace and I were eating lunch outside over the weekend, and he had to point out an "air ane!" (Airplane).

Yep, that's an airplane.

We came inside and looked at wild turkey pictures on the "Ipad"...which Jace now asks for by name...

Hello?  Daddy?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter, Part 1.

It didn't take Jace long to catch onto the Easter Egg Hunt idea.  An Easter Egg "Hunt" in a John Deere sweatshirt, pajama pants, and camo mud boots?  I think so.

Found some good books and a new John Deere movie that the Easter Bunny left at our house!

Got Uncle Jay to help him at Grandma Janie and Grandpa Jerry's house.

And of course the dogs were right there helping him too!

Great-Grandma Erma and Great Grandpa George Johnson with Jace.  It's hard to get all 3 to focus at the same time.

Soon-to-be "Aunt" Morgan and Uncle Jay with Jace.

Grandma Janie and Grandpa Jerry Johnson with Jace and Angus of course.

Family of 3!

Happy Easter!