is flying by. *Sigh*
It's harvest time...Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa are checking out the new bin setup at Grandma J's and Papas...and if you look really close Jay is holding Jace next to the truck.
I hate that Jace isn't looking at the camera, but love his expression. Great-Grandma went for a ride too, and I can just hear Jace saying "What's she doing in my seat?"
We still LOVE to swing and spend lots of time doing that...
Evidence of some of the fun stuff Jace did this summer....threw in this picture to show that we have been working on potty training...
And this picture because of his smile...he was really excited to see all these things again before they got put away! Most of these items came from Barb's (daycare), or story hour at the library.
I'm super proud of this one...we went from being afraid of swimming pools and rivers at the beginning of summer, to a fish at the end of summer!
And yes, it is harvest, and I'm back to school. Which means we are all super tired, and Jace doesn't see Daddy much. So he told me one night that he needed to wait for Daddy to get home. I agreed he could do that until I got the kitchen cleaned up, and he was asleep in 5 minutes or less.