Friday, August 30, 2013

From the August

Complete randomness.
We. Love. Swinging.
Especially when someone gives us a push!
Looks like a full load!

Yep.  That's Jace running the forklift.  I walked into the warehouse to this scene.  Jed directed him which lever to push, and up he went!  And it's only the beginning....

During the Pioneer two favorite guys!

Hillbilly Joe, ready for a ranger ride.

Ready for baby!  And for KSU football!

Our expert toad catcher....all of a sudden Jace wants to catch toads.  Too bad one of them pee'd on him after this photo...

Yep.  Here he is, wondering what just happened!

Poor Angus.  Jace can, and does do anything to him.  And for the most part he puts up with it!

This was our "so-long summer" swing time...the night before I had to go back to work.

Speaking of school...a little Duck Dynasty bulletin board.

And, back to school night.  Approximately one month from due date.  Yikes.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Happy Birthday, Colton!

Who turned 6 years old?
This guy.
And he is headed off to Kindergarten. 

And he is going to be the big brother to TWO sisters in December. 

What a cutie.

And Colton's birthday party isn't just to celebrate a birthday...

It's also used to practice your balancing skills and wrestle with Colton's Uncle Blaine!

Monday, August 5, 2013

A date with Mom

To some of Jace's favorite places! Fritz's the Train restaurant.

And the Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead.

Rode this horse like a pro!  I was worried he would get out there and change his mind, but he loved it!


Want to see Jace at Deanna Rose last year?