Jace starts Preschool!
At open house we could barely get him to take some time to pose with his teacher, Mrs. Stock.
The first day was FINALLY here! Since he is now the oldest kid at the babysitters, he has been watching a lot of other kids go to school until it was his turn to start!
Me and my baby! Okay, so he isn't a baby, but he is one of my two most-favorite-guys in the world!
Poor kid...had to duck his head to get out of the way of that belly! 37 weeks pregnant in this picture!
Since Christmas he has turned from Mommy's boy to Daddy's buddy...and he is super excited that Jed is taking him to school.
And he's off for his first day!
Follow the blue line to get to his room! ("And Dad, I have to walk ON the blue line, but you don't.")
Hanging up his bag! He was the first one there! (And we all know that won't ever happen again!)
Ready to learn!
**When I asked him about his first day he said it was fun, but they had to color an apple, and "Mom, it was not easy." When I asked him why, I finally got it out of him that it was hard because you had to color inside the apple and stay in the lines. It is tough being 3 years old!
**In other news, September is supposed to be baby month...so we are anxiously waiting! Jace thinks it's a boy, I think boy, Jed says girl....
At my doctor's appointment last week we found out baby was breech...has been head down for 9 months, and now it turns breech! We went to the hospital Friday morning so the doctor could attempt an "External Cephalic Version" which basically means she was going to push and push and try to turn baby around...but we got there and baby had already switched back to being head down! I remember feeling as though the baby pushed off with it's feet and flipped over to turn breech, and I had thought that it was moving so much it felt like it was moving sideways in a circle to turn back around....who knew it really did! So, we have a few weeks until due date!