Thursday, December 29, 2016

The aftermath....

We are exhausted from this crazy week!

But still smiling!

Clearly spoiled...and of all of this stuff...I think she likes the book that came with her "Our Generation" doll the best.  And she can't read...

Bonus picture!  We forgot this house...and it plays some awesome dance/rap music that Connor loves to dance to!

And Jace...

Jed got this awesome sign from Pioneer...

He added a recap of the year on the back...

And a few more pictures....

These two are our greatest gifts, EVER!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas Day

Christmas Day we end up at Grandma and Grandpa J's to celebrate with family there...
Jace got the softest moose shirt ever...

Connor got a chair for her doll--so she can do her doll's hair!   

And a BABY horse to go with her Mommy horse!  (Which she is considering naming the mom "Spaghetti" and the baby "Meatballs" or maybe "Noodles"...stay tuned....)

Max got a John Deere toy from us...

And Brook did too!

Jace was so excited to get these radio headphones...

And Connor got some cowgirl clothes for her doll!

We are always SO tired after these two days are over...but it really is fun.  I love that we can spend Christmas with both sides of our family.  And clearly our kids are spoiled!

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas!!!

Santa Came!!!

Hugs!  Or we aren't opening anything.  :) Just kidding...kind of...

But first...we read "God Gave us Christmas."

Then Presents!  Nerf Guns for Everyone!

Another collectible tractor for Dad and Jace...

Connor got her horse!  Sort of...

And a semi for Jace!  Even with JJ Farms on the side!

His excitement level was through the roof!  Santa did good on this one!

A helmet and goggles so he can go.... SKIING!!!!

And the kids picked out coffee for Dad.  When they were picking it out, someone walked by and suggested that Chocolate Cake Donut was the best ever, so of course when someone tells your kids "donut" they have to get it.  So they got that one and an old favorite, hazelnut. *For the record, the chocolate cake donut was not very good....

And I leave you with this...hand in the popcorn bucket!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Let the games begin.....

We are ready to kick off two of the fastest, wildest, most exhausting, but SO MUCH FUN days of the year.

I give you......Christmas Eve.

And the two cutest kids ever.  That tie? To die for.  That necklace?  Swoon.  These kiddos are dressed to the nines.  :)

Like tradition, we spent Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa B's.  We went to church in Atchison, then back to Grandma's.  Pictures first!

Grandpa always has something fun for the grandkids!

Speaking of Grandkids....they are all looking at the same time!

 And they continued to smile with Grandma and Grandpa!

We don't quite all fit on one couch anymore!

The Powell Family...

And the Luedke family!

And during the night we played our usual guessing games (with a kids division) and evening before we all went home to wait for Santa!

Friday, December 23, 2016

Christmas Happenings....

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!!  We got to bake cookies in the Luedke's basement.  Lots of space...easy cleanup!!

Even Alexis helped!

Connor has been helping wrap some presents...

No matter what our intentions are...we always end up making cookies right before Christmas.  Santa needs cookies though! It appears as though we got up early to make cookies (dark windows, orange juice) but more likely we made them in the evening, and had one of our favorites--orange Julius for supper!  Either way, the cookies got baked and we were ready for Santa!

Awesome Mom scheduled Jace's dental checkup for the first day of Christmas break.  But the reward? Breakfast at Big Biscuit.  YUMMMMMM!!!!  Jace finished off his plate of biscuits and gravy, and Connor ate most of her sausage and pancakes.  We LOVE breakfast!

Brook got to spend some time at our house!

And Max did too!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

A Christmas Program...

Jace had his Christmas Program at the beginning of December.  They got to sing the 12 Days of Christmas!  Yippeeeeeee!

Colton got to use some instruments during his performance!

Most adorable kids at the concert.  Seriously.  And Connor's shoes?  "They're SPARKLY Mom!"

Every once in awhile I try to get a picture of Jace by himself...

And playing in the snow with the Luedkes.  We keep hoping for a lot of snow for some awesome sledding, but this will have to do!  Cassidy didn't last too long outside...

Connor could care less what the temperature is.  Where's my kitties???

And Jace got Colton to walk all over the pasture looking for a high hill to sled down.  Sorry boys...we need more snow, not more hill......

Meanwhile Kyler stuck to the hill in the backyard (smart girl....) so she could practice snowboarding.  For some reason they all think they are great at snowboarding.....maybe someday they will be!