Thursday, August 31, 2017


It's time.

We have talked about this all summer.  And she has gone back and forth about whether or not she is going.  But, she seems excited.

She really thought Jace would be in her class, but it didn't bother her too much when we explained that he wasn't.  She says, "When I get bigger, I'll be in Jace's class."  And, we went along with that.

We all went to take Connor to her first day.  Jace made sure she knew to walk on the "blue line", that leads to the preschool room.

Connor hung up her bag, Mrs. Stock got out some play-doh, and she was good to go.  She was the first one there.  Most days she will go with Jace to Jena's room, and "that Kamryn girl" will walk her to preschool on her way to class, because the 5th grade is in the same building as preschool.  But it didn't bother Connor at all that we were leaving.

We left the preschool, and got a quick goodbye from Jace as he ran off.

Mom was just trying not to have a meltdown.  I mostly succeeded.

At the end of day 1, these two were all smiles!

And, just because life still goes on, it was chores like usual even after school.  We've got some tired kids, but they are loving school!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Back 2 School.

Jace is in 2nd Grade this year!
His teacher is new, Ms. Freedom Green.

This one got to go too!  She is in 3 year old Preschool with Mrs. Stock.

Always a picture with our favorite TGS teacher, Mrs. Tharman.  AKA Aunt Jena.

Family photo!

And then all of a sudden it is the first day of school. 
I think they were more excited about their photos with their animals than anything else.  But we sure do love Tinkerbell and Angus!

But we did get a photo with Mom and Dad!

And just the two kiddos!

He hasn't gotten much taller since his birthday, but his feet are growing like crazy.  I think he was a size 1 at the beginning of 1st grade, now he is comfortably wearing a size 5.  SIZE 5 people. 

The after school crew is back!  Colton is in 4th grade, and of course Kyler's in 2nd grade with Jace.

We are so excited for 2nd grade!  Can't wait to see how much he learns and grows this year!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Saying Goodbye.

To summer. Whomp, whomp.

Painted nails, ready for school!

Jace has recently discovered sitting in a tree for bow shooting...

"Let me get one last picture of you on these carefree summer days!"

First year we have ever had apples from our apple tree that tasted good, AND didn't fall off before they were ripe!

Didn't think there was any way Jace weighed enough to run the mower...surprise!

"Let's go to the carwash!" --Connor.
Still hates the carwash.

Working on "homework."

I ordered Magnatiles for school...and these two confiscated them first!  They are a lot of fun!

Connor is getting pretty good at bike riding!

Apples, tomatoes, watermelons, and cousins!

And, as we say Goodbye to summer, we say goodbye to our kittens too, that we've had since Easter.  They are going to a great home, where Avery, Addy, and Ainsley can take care of them!

So, we said goodbye to "Biggie", "Tiny", and "Tiny Jr."

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Solar Eclipse. August 21, 2017

 We prepped for the Solar Eclipse.  From what the news people said, it would be bumper to bumper traffic, and everyone would need somewhere to go.

We got our signs ready, and set up on Blanton's ridge.

The day we were prepping, Brook's mom and dad were doing a "night before" concession stand on main street in Troy.

We even had time for a nap!

The day of the Eclipse was a little disappointing, but still fun!

It was kind of cloudy, and rained off and on.  Made it hard to see all of the eclipse...

As much as Jace wanted to experience the whole thing, Connor could have cared less...which was fine since everyone was so worried about looking at the sun and causing eye damage.

The clouds parted JUST IN TIME for us to see the eclipse happen.  And it was amazing.  Everything got quiet, you could hear coyote's howling in the middle of the day, it was a neat feeling.

After the eclipse happened, we packed up and headed to Grable's where they had been hanging out all day.  Funny things happen at Grable's sometimes...Gracie got dipped in the pool, and Connor went swimming in her panties...

Nothing like a mid-day drive to get a nap in!

And--have to throw this birthday photo in!  Colton's party wasn't on the Eclipse, it was the weekend before.  But, his 10th BIRTHDAY was on the same day as the ECLIPSE!!  Talk about once in a lifetime!