Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Second Half....

Jace is 7 months old.  We're starting the second half of his first year.  WOW.  What's Jace up to?

Loves to crawl and roll around EVERYWHERE.  For some reason he seems to always end up headed for the bathroom????

Reading one of his favorite books: a lift the flap Barn book.

And he colors nicely and can even put his name on his paper.  A teacher's dream!  Ha ha!  Okay so one of the boys at the babysitter's was being the school teacher one day, and gave all the kids homework.  The "teacher" did Jace's for him, and from what I heard, I think his was the only one that got done...everyone else lost interest!

And FINALLY he is interested in sitting up.  And even sits himself up.  And he likes baby food now.

Trying to take a picture of him....couldn't understand why he couldn't use the pumpkin like a pacifier....

See?  Yummy.

But, he is a great baby.  And so cute.  And already all boy....while I tried to take this picture he constantly rolled over and tried to eat the hay, dirt, whatever he could get his hands on.  Gotta love him.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A "Few" Pictures...

 Wanted to take some pictures of Jace last weekend....and with some help here's what we got!

Jace loved trying to eat the hay.....

Wasn't overly smily....

And if he smiled he wasn't looking at the camera!

But, we did get a few good shots!

And then the dogs joined him for a picture.  He LOVES the dogs, Chassis and Fudge.  This is "Mama" Chassis...checking out the little guy.

Trying to get Fudge to sit still for a picture, but they wouldn't look at the camera anyway.

Doggie kisses!

My favorite picture.  What a cutie.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

More Harvest.

Grandpa, me and Jace...took us a while to get Jace to look away from the combine!

Jace waiting for Grandpa to get back to the field.  Checking out the bean crop....

Beans, beans, beans...

Someday little man, you can help with the combine too....

Grandpa has his hands full with Jace, Kyler and Colton.

Is he crawling?

You be the judge....

I say yes.  In his own way, he gets where he wants to go.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Colton the Cowboy.

What are you gonna be for Halloween?  I’m gonna be a….cowboy.  Cowboy boots! Cowboy boots?  Yep.  Cowboy Hat?  Yep.  And cowboy jeans.   Are you gonna have a gun?  No not a gun cause it hurts.  You shoot guns!  But you’re not gonna carry one?  Are you gonna ride a horse?  YEAH!  It’s inside, I’m gonna get my horse!  You don’t need to bring that one out here.  Okay, I’m gonna leave it in there.  You stay out here guys. 

Why do you need the hat?  Cause I need to.  Why?  What are you gonna be?  Gonna be a little cowboy.  YeeHaw!  C’mon horsey, YeeHaw!  Is Kyler gonna ride on your horse?  No, she’s too little.  Does she get her own little horse?  Yeah, she gets a little horse.  Are you gonna ride one of Grandpa’s horses?  Yeah, I’m gonna ride one of Grandpa’s horses.  Are you gonna wear boots?  Yep.  What kind of boots?  Like that boots, like I’m gonna ride on the horses.  Kyler’s gonna ride with me.  Kyler’s gonna ride on that horse, and I’m gonna ride on Tess.  You’re gonna ride Tess?  I think you’re gonna go to the hospital after that.  And Grandpa’s gonna ride on that other horse.  And I’m gonna ride on Tess.  Oh okay.  I think your hat’s on backwards.  Oh.  Now you’re a cowboy.    

This is only the beginning....

Monday, October 4, 2010


 is Harvestime.   

Jace's first trip to the field: Jed, Jace, Great-Grandpa George, Uncle Jay, and Grandpa Jerry

Family time this time of year takes place in the combine. : )


So Jace doesn't have very much hair...but what there is has a reddish tint to it.  I tried to get a picture of it...sometimes when the sun hits it just right it looks REALLY red. 

The picture didn't turn out so well...so Melissa helped us visualize what Jace will look like with a full head of reddish-brown hair.  Hmmm....

In other news....Jace and Kyler have been hanging out together.  Kyler is really good at sitting up and "belly-crawling."  Jace is starting to sit up...and acts like he is going to crawl, but still just rolls a lot.

Great-Grandma thinks it is never too early to learn the Rosary.

Kyler chews on it...
and Jace got to swinging it around and knocked her in the head a couple times.  Sorry Great-Grandma, we'll work on it.  : )