And lots of pictures!
Kyler doesn't waste any time getting the lawnmower ready.
Jace supervises the yardwork...
From the best seat in the house.
The lawn boys (Derek and Colton) were hard at work.
And Colton worked really hard pulling Jace through the yard. "He's really HEAVY!" If you can see the expression on Jace's face, it looks like he is grunting to help Colton out.
This was a birthday present from Grandma Carol and Grandpa Jerry, and it is a favorite! He doesn't mind just hanging out in it, and of course loves going for a ride!
And there's room for two!
And, we have to finish with another window picture. Jace's love of
windows was evident early on, and he still loves watching out the windows. Tonight, we got to watch Grandpa Jerry Johnson planting corn.

He would have there all night!