Thursday, May 20, 2010


It has certainly been a busy week! Jace is now 8 weeks old!  Last weekend we attended graduation parties, and Tuesday night Jace and I went to the TMS graduation.  It is always great to see the kids all dressed up and ready to go to high school!

Jace has picked up a couple new hobbies.  He is really into sucking on, or drooling on his hand, wrist, my hand, whatever is close to his mouth.  He isn't very interested in a pacifier, but likes his own fingers!

Jace has also become a fan of staring out the window.  Not much to look at lately, besides cloudy skies and rain, but he seems to like the view!

You can see from the pictures he is getting really good at holding his head up too!


  1. I think he isn't staring but just realizing that he lives in the boonies!!!! Take the kid to town once in a whil :) Love, Janet

  2. He looks like his daddy in these photos...he's probably checking out the crops to make sure they're still growing!
