Saturday, May 1, 2010

The shirt says it all....

It has become quite a chore to get Colton to hold still for a picture.  Here are some of the failed attempts when I tried to get a picture of his "My parents are exhausted" shirt.

No Colton, you can't play in the trash can.

Have a popsicle...No Colton, you can't take it in the living room.

No Colton, you can't play with the fan, or the china cabinet.

No Colton, you can't turn the TV on and off 50 times.  By the way, where'd you put your popsicle?

Ahh!  Movie time!

Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, there is tons of excitement going on.  TWO babies, both awake, neither one crying, or eating, or trying to hit each other!

And last but not least, another milestone for Jace.

First time in CAMO!


  1. I was even there for all of this and it's still cracking me up! Love the CAMO...AND that smile!

  2. Hmmm . . . not even sure my kid will be in camo. Just wanted to put that out there :). Love the updates.

  3. Poor Colton!!! Give him a break . . . his whole world has changed and you guys want him to pose! He seems to do all the work and the other two slackers are always reclining! Is Jace going to hunt too? Love, Janet
