Thursday, May 13, 2010

My favorite time of TODAY.

Today I went back to work.  Dang.  Lucky for me, there are now only 7 more days until school is out for summer, so it won't be so bad. 

Jace had a great day at Grandma Janie's!  Also lucky for us, it wasn't hard to find a babysitter for these 8 days between two Grandma's, and a couple of Aunt's that are busily trying to finish up finals at K-State this week.  In fact, here's a video of Aunt Jena and Aunt Melissa studying hard at the library last night with a few friends:

My favorite time of today?  Rocking him as he went to sleep this evening.


  1. We had FUN studying last night! One of the many reasons I'm a Wildcat! :) Can't wait to get my last final done, so I can come see him! Looks like he's grown SO much since the last time I saw him!!!!!

  2. We've been very hard workers this week preparing for the rave at the library...oh, I mean getting ready for finals! :) Love the new pictures, can't wait to see him again!

  3. And here I thought our walk would have been your favorite time of today, watching me huff & puff as I pushed/carried an extra 40lbs, aka my kids! :)

    And Jace is much cuter to come home to at the end of the day than Jed!

    As for his other two aunts, after seeing that video, I'm not sure I would trust them with him...studying? Seriously? What do you think they'll be doing when they're "babysitting"? LOL

  4. Oh, to be young again---what am I saying I just know I couldn't have crowd surfed! Did I ever telly you what I did at the Mount library---another time. My goodness he is changing everyday! Love, Janet
