Thursday, October 3, 2013

It's a GIRL!

So, I had a doctor appointment on September 27th, the official due date.  Found out my blood pressure was high, and ended up doing a sonogram and non-stress test to check on baby, and everything looked good, but my doctor wanted to not wait any longer and wanted to induce me the following Monday, September 30th.  Baby had other ideas....I woke up at 5 a.m. on the 28th with what I thought was back pain...but was really contractions.  Jed and I went to the hospital around 10 that morning, and stayed there until 1, when they gave us the choice to stay or go.  Mostly because they didn't have any rooms!  I wasn't making any progress, so we decided to leave, and immediately started having more contractions.  So, we went to Buffalo Wild Wings to eat some lunch, and I was having contractions the entire time.  Still not convinced they would keep me at the hospital we went to Dick's to get some scent-free hunting spray for Jed, and again, having contractions the whole time.  Didn't take me long to decide I would have fit in better at WalMart as miserable and big as I looked! Here are some pictures we took before leaving for the hospital!

So we went back to the hospital around 4 I think, and they immediately decided to admit me.  It helped that they now had a room open.  After they about killed me trying to put my IV in, (okay, not really, but it was a student nurse and I hate that anyway, and they had to try again in my left arm after they couldn't get it on my right....) we got our own room and some absolutely amazing nurses.  Got an epidural right away, and it helped tremendously, as all my labor was in my back.  With Jace it was in my back too and the epidural didn't help at all...this time it helped so much.  I don't remember what time they broke my water, maybe around 7?  But it seemed like around 7:30 or so I started feeling like I wanted to push!  Ironically, the doctor on call was busy, so our nurse brought in a midwife/nurse to deliver our baby.  Connor LeAnn was born at 8:13 p.m.....and let's just say I could not believe it was a girl.  Thought for sure she would be another boy!
8 lbs. 9 oz.
22 inches long
14 1/2 inch head
Dark hair
Blue eyes

We called Jace first and let him know he got a baby SISTER...but didn't have a name decided on!  So we decided on Connor LeAnn and then called the rest of the family.  Jace and the grandparents came over around 10 p.m. to meet our little girl.

Our first visitors the next morning...Aunt Morgan and Uncle Jay!

Aunt Jena and Uncle Carl

A very proud and excited BIG BROTHER JACE!

In comparison, when Jace was born, he was:
March 23rd, 2010
12:36 a.m.
8 lbs. 2 oz
20.5 inches
14 inch head
Red hair

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