Sunday, August 31, 2014

{August} Phone photos..

Jed painted our barn...

Connor fell asleep walking down there to check his progress...

Oh please let me out!

I think this was the night we came home from the Frontier Chemical meeting... 

I'm guessing Jace took this picture...but I love it.

And I taught Jace to lie.  So, I wanted to take him miniature golf.  I knew you had to be 5.  So, I coached him the whole way there, and sure enough they asked, so we said he was 5.  In my defense...we were THE ONLY PEOPLE THERE.  I can understand if they are busy, but I purposely waited until St. Joe schools were back in session, so we were the only ones there!

 The photo on the right is probably why they don't want 4 year olds to have their own club...

After golf he had to go to the dentist to get some sealant put on his molars, because we don't have fluoride in our water and he was getting some stains back there.  Well, they got half done...and that was with kicking and me holding him down for the last part...and I swear it didn't take 10 minutes.  Went back a week later to do the other side, and had promised him a new plane and some other things...didn't help.  We will try again in six months...

Plant pumpkins early, get pumpkins early!  It's so exciting!

And this was a day I wanted Connor to take a later nap...trying to get back in school routine.  Jace comes in, "Uh, mom, Connor is going to sleep."  Yep, she is.  But she is so cute.  

{August} Phone Randomness...

Jed is going Elk hunting in Colorado the first week in September.  He needs to be able to carry at least 50 pounds in his pack.  Just so happens Jace (32#) and Connor (22#) add up to about that much!

I've probably said this before...but at the beginning of the summer I had to coax Jace to climb up this gate to take a picture.  Now, every time we take a stroller ride, we must go to the gate, and he must take a picture.

This picture was from August 3...from the looks of the living room it's a miracle she could make her way to the table, but she's standing at it all by herself!

Adorable swimsuit coverup she got for Easter in size 12 months.  This was the one and only time she wore it...had already grown out of it!

Random photo of the new shop being built...

Looky there!  I'm standing in my crib on August 7!

I think he was practicing for school...check out those new shoes!  SO excited when we picked them out.  The day we went to Science City we went to Legends afterwards and he got to pick them out.  And put them on immediately after we paid for them.  They make him "super fast!"

Jed and I went to a Royals game in August with Ryan and Megan Grable...the Royals have done so well this year and it was a fun game!

Saturday, August 30, 2014


That dreaded first birthday is coming.  Got these cute shots of Connor for her birthday invites!

I didn't notice the wagon was muddy until Jed pointed it out while we were taking pictures..she was in a good mood and this was going so well, I didn't want to chance washing it off and her deciding not to cooperate for pictures any more!

And because at our house, if both kids are around and I'm taking pictures, they have to have one together.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

11 Months.

Had to bring out the wedding attire for these was just about a month ago we were all dressed up for Melissa and Aaron's big day!

Connor's faces...wouldn't you like to know what she is thinking?

And we can't sit still for a picture now...

This pathetic.

And this is the best you get of an 11 month old.

She's crawling, she's pulling up on everything...and she has even stood by herself a couple times.  Will she be walking by her first birthday?  I don't know...I think so, but Jace didn't walk until he was 13 months old, so I'm not worried about it.

She is still the absolute light of our lives.  Always smily, happy, and eats great and sleeps good, most of the time.  She loves Jace, and seems lost when he isn't home.  She screams when Jed gets home for him to hold her.  And when she is tired, there is no one she wants more than her mommy.  :)  Well, except for her binky.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Colton turns 7!

And all the kids decide pictures are much better when you show the food in your mouth.  Great.

Colton is going to be a first grader, in Ms. Jenkins' class at Troy Elementary.

Colton got some great stuff for his birthday!  We got him a lego set and the Lego Movie.
He asked for a K-State birthday party...

Colton and his sisters...Kyler is 4 and Cassidy is 9 months. 

No photo session is complete without these two hamming it up...

Oh you have your camera out again?  And you want a picture of me?

And we take advantage of a family photo opportunity in our KSU gear any chance we get it...even if Connor isn't looking, Jace has his posed smile, and Jed has sunglasses on his head.

All the "Boos" grandkids...

And Colton and everyone else was going, what kind of smile is that Jace?  I have no words.

Happy Birthday, Colton!