Saturday, September 10, 2016


The end of summer....
Jed and I took these goofballs camping/fishing Labor Day weekend.  They had fun...and they caught a fish!  Personally, I'm not a big fan of camping, but these guys loved it.  Roasted hot dogs and marshmallows, and Jed cooked eggs for breakfast.  Aside from the all night rave going on at a campsite close to us, they had a great time!  

Connor catching some shade under the table....

Our first pumpkin harvest!  I accidentally got the wrong kind of pumpkins to plant, so we only have these "bumpy" pumpkins this year....
Notice Angus and Tinkerbell giving each other the stare down?

This guy...the beginning days of school really wear him down...

We were able to spend a little more time at the Grable pool over the Labor Day weekend....

And......Daisy got a new home.  She was getting pretty big at our house so it was time to put her to pasture with the rest of the calves.  And this is how you haul a cow that you've been raising in your backyard all summer....lucky for us it was flea market weekend so we blended right in with the rest of the flea traffic...

And there were some tears shed when we left her.  I knew the kids would be a little sad, but I didn't know they would be that sad.  For the next couple days they kept asking when she would be coming back, and wanted to drive by and see her.  Maybe we will have a new "Daisy" next year.....

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