Sunday, June 8, 2014


Oh my this was an adventure.  Not sure that 4 year old's have enough focus to do T-Ball, but if you keep the game moving, and only play 3 innings...they seem to do okay....

Let's start with our little buddy Cooper Albers.  He bats, he hits, he THROWS the bat (I mean, LAUNCHES it...), and he runs!

And he can field the ball too.  No matter where the ball is...he is going after it!

Jace is FAST!

And Jace scores!  (He thought he was #4 because he's 4 years old....)

Jed got to be the one on the field with Jace....and they worked well together!

So serious....

And every game ends the same....

Sidenote: I'm beginning to see a pattern.  Seems like every time Jace is running, or concentrating....he has his tongue stuck out.  Hmm.....

Back to our little buddy Cooper: here he is with his Dad and Mom and soon-to-be baby sister! 


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