Monday, July 27, 2015

A week of Milestones...

Beginning with Connor's first me!  I couldn't take the toddler-mullet any trimmed off the back.  It looks like I cut a lot of hair, but it didn't seem like that much!  It makes her look so much older!

Jed's dad bought a new semi, so of course the kids had to check it out.  I love these pictures...obviously the picture on the right shows how Jace loves to push Connor's buttons...and Connor can get really mad at him!

We harvested our potatoe crop!  It was hot...and Connor spent the time playing in the excuse the messy kids!

Connor actually slept when Jed put her in bed with him...that's a first!  I was getting ready for Melissa's shower, so he went up and got her and laid her in bed with him and off to sleep they went!  Notice her hair---looking a little wild!

Jace made Monkey Bread with me!

And we went swimming at Jena and Carl's on Saturday evening...Jace begs to hold Baby Brook...and Connor actually sat by them without being crazy, so it was picture time!  I think this is the first picture of just the COUSINS!

And another milestone, not pictured: We separated the kids during church for the first time.  We had them sitting between us, and Connor was cranky (imagine that...), so Jed moved Jace to the other side of him.  She knows what she wants, when she wants it, and if you are in her way, watch out!  

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