Monday, July 13, 2015

Royals VS. Tampa Bay

We decided a long time ago if we were going to take Jace to a Royals game this summer...this was the game.  It was the only 1:10 week day game this summer.  We lucked out and the weather was great for July!

Last year-----This year.

Jace's favorite part of the game...when the field crew comes out with the John Deere rakes and smooths up the field!

We had great seats--they were upper deck, but not nosebleed upper deck, and on the second row of the upper deck.  Fantastic.  On the first baseline, so we could see really good!

When they win, there are two things I get really excited about...and always forget to watch for when I'm actually at the game!

This is the first: You can barely see him between the A-L of HALL, but this guy looks like he is the janitor, and his job is to take the "W" out to mark a Win.

This is the second.  EVERY TIME they win, Salvador Perez dumps water on whoever is being interviewed.  EVERY. TIME.

Sometimes, you just have to drop everything and head to a Royals game.  Family time.  You can't replace it.  And as busy we are, family time is really valuable to us.

And yes, we had family time without Connor.  There are just some things she isn't ready for yet...and it's nice to have "Jace" day.  :)

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