Monday, October 5, 2015


Keeps us busy.  Especially when it doesn't rain for 60 days....but we love it! 
I think this was an after school-combine ride....4 people in the combine is crowded, and Connor had to sit on my lap.  That left Jace on the floor, where he rested his head on my knees and fell asleep!  Connor was so nice to try to hold his head up.  :)

Speaking of tired kids....I guess when it's naptime, it's naptime!  She has gotten super attached to "tigeybinkie"...aka Tiger and Blankie...

Another field day....we got to the field this day and they were broke down!  Luckily didn't take too much time to get it going.

Connor was "hiding" from me before her bath....

In the midst of harvest, they moved the cows from our place.  In the midst of that, the four wheeler got left at the end of the pasture, so when the guys went to the field after church, Connor and I walked down to get it, and move it back to the shop.  It was the first cold morning so she didn't have a stocking cap, but luckily we have hand-me-downs...even if they are boy-styles!  Put a bow on it and ta-da!

Trying out the "big-girl" booster seat.  Didn't take long to figure out she wasn't ready to graduate the high chair that she can be "locked" into...
A little cousin/kitty time!  Although I don't think this wagon travelled far...

One of my favorite harvest pictures.  :)

And another.  :)  Jace had a lot of "firsts" this year....driving the grain cart (with someone in there with him...) AND driving the four-wheeler, all by HIMSELF!  With Jed following him in the truck.  Video-taping of course.

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