Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Johnson Christmas and Christmas Eve....

It has started.  The Christmas marathon...
We began the Sunday before Christmas with the Johnson family Christmas.  A few family photos at the end of the day....with Connor in her usual picture taking form...

Cassidy liked hanging out with Aunt Debi...

Grandma Darlyne and Grandpa Richard...

An attempt at a picture of all the "greats" with Grandma and Grandpa...this was the best we got...go figure Connor was the most uncooperative of all...and Derek is hiding behind the couch holding her up there...

Entire family photo!  Thanks to the self-timer on the camera, that you can set to take 10 pictures at a time, which is actually really helpful at getting 2 year olds to look at the camera.  We did it twice, and this was picture #19 out of 20....but it turned out GREAT!  Next year I'll work on getting rid of the bright light...

Grandma got the kids these cute pillows with Character covers...Jace got Chuggington and Connor got Princess Sofia...they were a hit!

I believe the school Christmas program was the day after Johnson Christmas....You can't hardly see the kids, but I have a bad attitude about taking pictures at programs.  I've sat in the front, and had people hold iPADS up to take pictures, so I couldn't see.  I've sat in the back, and walked to the front when Jace was on stage, and people have still blocked's a pet peeve of mine.  So, this is what I got.  This first picture actually is Colton, in the back row on the right....

Here you can barely see Jace, on the bottom row, 3rd from the left.  Kyler is middle row, on the right end.

Jace did great...he really enjoys singing, and performing!

And another one of Colton, who I think is "officially" too old cool for concerts... 

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